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September 06, 2009



There are only a couple of explanations for this:

1. Belichick saw the writing on the wall that he wouldn't be able to re-sign Seymour, Wilfork, Mankins, and a host of other players, so he decided to get the best value he could instead of letting him walk.

2. He's got another trade in the works, possibly for an ILB. The depth along the defensive line is pretty good, albeit less now.

Here's some great analysis:



Pats are signing guard Kendall Simmons, a former starter from Pittsburgh.


Samara Pearlstein

I just came home and saw this... brain bits splattered all over the computer screen, man.


Woke up this morning and just saw this. This was something I had written about if they were to pursue Peppers in Carolina.

Oddly enough we are in a 4-3 3-4 hybrid but Peppers is now at too big a price.

I like the trade if only to get a future value for someone we lose at the end of the season. Now other players (younger players) have to step up.


It seems like he is trying to get his family and affairs in order. I am sure he will be a great addition to the Raiders once everything is resolved.

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