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October 17, 2008



But I don't think I've seen it happen quite this way before.

It was absolutely incredible. Seven runs down, and all of a sudden it was like "Let's do it!"

Given the context, this even beats the Mother's Day Miracle game we saw last year.


No doubt it was Pap that got everyone up on their feet. The crowd went 0-60. Also, I like to think our section taunting Wheeler helped, too. ;)


yes, the wheeler heckling was much appreciated. you could def tell he was feeling it. at least i thought so.

Bill Hicks

I liked when the crowd was heckling Howell with "Wheel-er! Wheel-er!"

Great comeback! Nail-biter ending in the 9th with 2 outs makes for some incredible memories. No matter what happens next.


I think that's the first time I've ever heckled the opposing pitcher, and I'm pretty sure we were chanting "Ho-well" when he was up (at least, my section was). Man, that was awesome.

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