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August 12, 2008



Yeah, just your regular, ordinary, run-of-the-mill Tuesday night game... ;-)


Excellent wrap-up- thanks.


/double, groundout, wild pitch, single, single, double, double, double, Javy Lopez./

This should be a song or something.


the new dance craze that's sweeping the nation!

maxwell horse

There should be some kind of caption contest for the picture of Youk and Beckett. ("So anyway, what I was sayin' before, her legs are real bendy, you know?")

Also, after going on a big long thing about how Ortiz's second homerun should've been called a double, Remy--a little while later--said he had to apologize. He said that Tom Cauran from the studio actually told them that under Fenway rules, if it hits to the left of the line, but ricochets into the seats, then it's technically a homerun. So the real question remaining is, should Papi have been credited with three homeruns on the night with that dubious "double" that came later? (I actually thought the umps got things correct on that one.)

maxwell horse

Also, did anyone check out the Mike Lowell post-game interview? It was kind of unsettling how dispirited he seemed.


I think I spent at least two thirds of this game sitting there with my mouth hanging open. Just totally unhinged my jaw, and my brain.

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