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July 26, 2008



I think the Joba-Youkilis exchange will re-ignite some of the on-field hostilities--if not be Wakefield, or then someone else before the weekend is out, and if not then, before the season is through. I have to say one of my favorite moments of the game last night was when Ortiz came up for the first time. I was in the kitchen and all I could hear was the ovation. The Yankee announcers wisely shut up and just let the crowd reaction speak for itself. I didn't see any visuals as I was in the other room, but just listening to that was very cool.

Obviously, it's exciting to have a Yankee pitcher with "stuff" for the first time in a long time, at least one of their farm products, and I will never stop appreciating the great Mariano. Especially since the Sox have a history of some success against him, it feels even sweeter when he's able to do well against them, treat them like he treats the rest of the league.

Oh, and one thing. When Mike Lowell jumps up and down like a cartoon character cause he's so blazing mad, you KNOW the ump made the wrong call. I don't think I've ever seen that guy lose it before.


that's RIGHT! i can't believe i didn't remember to write about that part. i have definitely never, ever seen him act like that. ever, and i agree with you, when a guy like that loses his cool, it's gotta be a fishy call.

the papi ovation was great, and it's amazing to hear even the yankees announcers paused to acknowledge it. that said, i was a little disappointed that he didn't wave or touch his brim--he just sort of nodded and really looked distracted by the whole thing.

maxwell horse

Well, they lost again today. For some reason today's loss didn't fill me with the same rage as last night's. Maybe it's the fact that we got to see Arod get plunked, even though it wasn't intentional. (At least Hanson's lack of control is good for something.) Maybe it's the fact that this game was so out of reach that no amount of horrible umpire calls would've made a difference.

Or maybe (and this is a little disturbing) in a vague subconscious way, I'm slowly accepting the fact that the Sox may not have it this year. (So what's one more loss?)

maxwell horse

And of course, when I say "Hanson," I refer to the hit pop band best known for their single "Mmmm Bop." I'm really glad Theo picked those guys up before the trade deadline.


All you crybaby bo-sux fans need to get your "bah-bah"....or in this case, "Joba" and go back to sleep. The Evil Empire strikes back!! Lol. I'm GLAD a native new yorker (Manny) is bringing down the feeble red sux nation because you arrogant bastards deserve just that. Go get 'em Manny.....just like the Giants "STOMPED YOU OUT" and the patsy-cakes CHOKED a horrible death, so to to the red sux nation of idiots....before the season is through, you'll be seeing "red" lmao. From the Evil Empire to you, a hearty, hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

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