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February 13, 2008



That photo of Manny is my favourite shot from the playoffs. A moment of pure joy.


Long sigh of content: ahhhhhhhhhh. Thank you.

Bottomline Rob

Good stuff man. It's been fun reading "Pretty Good Year."

The Angels do have an axe to grind, and they will be good again this season, but I'm not sure the addition of Hunter will be enough, especially since they are still lacking power everywhere else... and the pitching ain't what it's been in the past...

The Tigers on the other hand... could be trouble...

Go Sox!

Jason Seaver

You have to admit, though, pretty much any fear we might have had where the Angels are concerned vanished when TBS came out with that quote about how they have to "score runs by making outs". Upon hearing that, I turned to my brother and commented that that doesn't seem like nearly as good as the Sox' strategy as stringing extra base hits together, especially since Beckett and Schilling weren't in the habit of giving up free bases on walks.

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