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September 22, 2007



I've been feeling the same frustration with the apparent apathy displayed by our Sox when asked about the division. It makes me want to punch a hole in the wall. Or Jason Giambi. But I was watchign PTI last night while I was winding down after work, and Francona was their interview. It was the first time I've heard him say that of course they want to win the division, and just as I started to feel a bit better, out came the disclaimer we've grown weary of hearing. Frankly, I would much rather those sorry excuses be coming out of the Bronx. But then he said one thing that perked me up, because really, I've started to feel like the Sox barely care if the win or lose these last ten or so days. When asked, in light of the Wild Card potential, if the Sox really are not stressing out about the recent four-game slide, Tito declared (and I am not quoting with perfect accuracy but close enough): "I hate losing. When we lose, I want everyone to lose. There aren't enough teams in baseball." *That* is just the kind of fire I wanted to see.

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