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September 01, 2007



Unbelievable game. I caught the last three innings of it and was holding my breath through all of it. I LOVE that Remy and Orsillo REFUSED to say "no-hitter" through the game. REFUSED! Fabulous.
Also LOVE the bear-hug that Papi gave Clay - like he didn't want to let go. And Josh's pure delight at Clay's success - and that Clay gave Beckett major props during the PC about what a great mentor he is. And I swear (and someone tell me if I'm wrong) that I heard Josh say during the group hug something to the effect of "He pitched better than Curt Schilling".
The torch has officially been passed.

Texas Gal

The folding of the jacket was what did me in. It was like, "Must. Retain. Some. Semblance. Of. Normalcy. I know! I'll fold some laundry." As soon as I saw the slow and deliberate way he did that, I knew he had it done... the no-hitter was all sewn up.

I very nearly got in a car and made the 3 hour drive from South Bend to Indianapolis after the football game today, but instead prevailed on my friend to let me go back to the hotel and watch the game. I am so so so very lucky I did. AMAZING.

(I'm just sad my DVR back in Chicago didn't record the game for some reason- I already called and had my neighbor go into my house and check)


//And I swear (and someone tell me if I'm wrong) that I heard Josh say during the group hug something to the effect of "He pitched better than Curt Schilling".//

Beckett said, "That was one better than Curt Schilling!" Love that; it's funny and adorable all at once. This is going to be a fun pitching core to watch for the next several years (I hope). They all seem close.

The reactions all around were priceless. From the umpire's dramatic last strike call, to Varitek hoisting Buchholz up, to Beckett's mad leap over the dugout rail, to the whole FO crew going nuts in their box...what a magical night. I must've been holding my breath the whole ninth inning...and even now I just can't stop smiling.

I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU DIDN'T WATCH THIS GAME!!! Lucky for you, NESN is supposed to replay it after the postgame show of Sunday's game. So, set your DVR! :)


Edit: I missed your postscript. So set your VCR, then. :)


Caught the last five innings. Superb.


I love rookies!


That was one of the most remarkable things I've ever seen, and I'm still getting goosebumps thinking about it. Gives me a whole new level of respect for Beckett too--he was up at the top of that dugout, watching every pitch, from the 6th inning on. And Dustin with the amazing play! After that out, I had a feeling there was no stopping Buchholz.
I heart this team.

Beth the Bassist

I have two on-line friends who were at the game. They said that no one left the stadium for a LONG time. The Mother's Day Miracle game was a bit like that, but this was amazing.

I ended up at the bar of a restaurant getting a free beer from the chef for my exuberance. The couple next to us had actually LEFT THE GAME because it was a blowout. We all whispered about them.

Anywho, the pre-game show is making me teary right now.


Red Sox Monster has various pieces of footage of the end of the no-hitter:

I can't get enough of watching it over and over. And as I look back, some of the little things hit me - like when Clay gets the second out of the ninth, there is a split second shot of him chewing on his glove and taking a deep breath behind the mound. I'm amazed at the poise this young kid has.

I'm still getting teary-eyed over it.

maxwell horse

What a great game. I'm definitely keeping my tape of this game for a while. (I still live in the dark ages of VCR's.)

Pedroia's clearly lip-readable "Fuck yeah!" was a nice dramatic punctuation mark to that whole play that opened the 7th. I'm still a little confused, though, why Tejada chose to slide head-first into first base there. If he'd just kept running like a normal human being he might've beaten it out. Oh well. His loss is our gain.


That was an amazing game! Everything just seemed to go the right way for once! I think this game will be the 2007 version of the July 24th game. I think this is what our team needs to just re-focus, and get back to playing meaningful baseball.

It was great to see how badly everybody in the park wanted him to get it. Everybody was on the top step of the dugout. Hinske was smiling so much that I though his face was going to permanantly freeze like that.

IT WAS INCREDIBLE! Easiestly the best game since 2004 to be played at Fenway!


I missed the game too! I couldn't f'n believe it.

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