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September 28, 2007



I'm not sure whether I feel dirty good or dirty bad about that picture.

But I feel so good about everything else that it doesn't matter in the slightest!


I knew someone would get a screencap of that. Papelbon must've started drinking right after the Sox game ended. Good Lord.

But, whatever! 2007 AL East Champs! WOOHOO!

Texas Gal

I swear to you I just put up this exact. same. screencap. up on my post - that is eerie and awesome all at the same time.

I think I'm going to have a shirt made commemorating the victory, and it will say "Pants Optional" on the back.


I, too, was in my boxers when I first read your post. I optioned against the pants. Mind you, I wasn't surrounded by dozens of people and camera crews, and my cats are quite used to such a look, but nevertheless I figured I'd mention it.

maxwell horse

9/29/07 7:30 PM. NESN just showed a clip from last night that was not part of the original broadcast. It was Papelbon doing Irish Stepdancing. I want that clip to show up on the internet.

maxwell horse

My last sentence was odd. I might as well have typed, "I want someone to put that clip up on this crazy 'internet' thing I've heard so much about lately."

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