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June 02, 2007



then administer another all-day-long-country-ass-whuppin again on Sunday, Spring, Texas-style,

With extra BBQ sauce...

maxwell horse

I've come to the conclusion that following the Red Sox so closely is bad for my mental and emotional health. I spent the entirety of last night's game fuming at various characters--the target of my rage changing from person to person as the night went on.

I'll just post this one thought: Am I the only one at this point who is really ticked off at the notion that when Lester finally joins the team, it's a given that TAVAREZ is the one who will be replaced in the rotation?


The part of this game that was the weirdest, for me, was Posada following Youk to first base and calming him down. I don't think I've ever seen an opposing catcher behave that way- what do you think he was trying to do?

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