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May 14, 2007



I think I'm still in shock about the way it ended. I took my Mom, her first time at Fenway in 40 years, and in the midst of rally she screamed, "Now I understand why you love baseball and the Red Sox so much!"

maxwell horse

Given the fact that you were at the game, you might not have seen Beckett in the NESN post-game conference. (I think NESN has the clip on the website.) To me, for whatever reason, he seemed much more sincere, forthcoming and just plain "there" than he's been in the past. I only mention it because I know his usual maddeningly blase demeanor is something you've mentioned.


"Me and Tim Wakefield looked at each other on the bench in the ninth inning when they took Guthrie out. We said, 'We're going to win this game.' We both believed it." ~ Josh Beckett

Even 24 hours later, I'm still in shock. I want to watch the replay of that ninth inning over and over and over again...I'm so jealous that you were actually at the game. I can only imagine the feeling of seeing that comeback in person.

I love this team.


All I can say is: :-)))

Anne Thamer

The pictures of D'Angelo Ortiz are the cutest! I was at the game and saw him playing ball with Kevin Millar and his dad during batting practice. I don't think I will ever forget it.

Thanks for the great pictures!


Anne Thamer

The pictures of D'Angelo Ortiz are the cutest! I was at the game and saw him playing ball with Kevin Millar and his dad during batting practice. I don't think I will ever forget it.

Thanks for the great pictures!


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