I dislike Lyle Overbay. And, um, hullo? His payback for Alex Cora is...two home runs off Red Sox pitching?! WTF?!?
Anyway, even complaining about that kind of makes me feel like an ass, considering this is pretty much the best, smoothest, most balanced, pitching-stacked, awesome Red Sox team I can ever remember, at least as of May 9th.
The Sox sliced and diced the hapless Blue Jays again, notching another win for my binky...no, the other one...no, the other other one...*sigh* Yes. It is bad. It is at the point where multiple people in my life are making fun of me for my frantic obsession with more different players than I am equipped to handle.
Just zinging back and forth between Jonathan and Joshie and Curt and Daisuke leaves me little grey matter to even think about how studly Mike Lowell has been at the plate or how Dustin Pedroia is going Happy Scrappy Hero Pup on all y'alls azz lately or even how freakin' awesome Big Papi still is. Let alone the little things like, you know. Sleep.
There comes a time even for a Sox fan, apparently, when you just have to shut up and admit life is good. And as long as the Sox continue on this homer-hittin', filthy-pitchin', glove wieldin' asskicking bender of theirs, I'm a happy passenger on the bandwagon, trying to appreciate every second of the ride.
No payback in this series, don't wake up sleeping dogs. What I want is 9 runs for Wakefield tonight. Am I likely to see that?
Please, please, give Wake at least 3.
Posted by: exsubmariner | May 10, 2007 at 06:59
"Happy Scrappy Hero Pup."
"Happy Scrappy..."
"She loves it."
Clerks and the Red Sox = unbeatable enjoyableness. Thanks for the reference. :)
Posted by: Allen Chace | May 10, 2007 at 13:05
Happy Scrappy Hero Pup. Perfect.
Happy Scrappy has a 1.345 OPS this month!
Things ARE good...
Posted by: Mike | May 10, 2007 at 13:44
//how studly Mike Lowell has been at the plate//
Or, you know, in general because remember that whole Bill Mueller Hot Train that came all bearing down at us like woah? Yeah, welcome to the Mike Lowell Express.
Posted by: Kristen | May 10, 2007 at 15:36
After Manny hit his homer yesterday, he and Tavarez sat down on each side of Alex Cora and started goofing around, and Cora had this uncomfortable look on his face, prompting Remy to say, "run, Alex."
Oh to be a fly on the Sox dugout wall!
Posted by: mouse | May 10, 2007 at 15:54