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April 17, 2007



Good take on the vigilante justice, except wrong in this case: it was a foul ball and looked like Anderson would have caught it. Preventing him from making the catch was *good* for the Sox, unlike the other play you mention when a fair ball was in play.


I particularly liked "He's the Pepsi fan of the game, until he gets thrown out..."


Please check your facts. It was a foul pop into the bleachers and therefore within the fans right to go for the ball. He did not reach for a fair ball in play, nor did he reach for a ball hit by a Red Sox player. The pizza thrower showed no class. It was funny for us at home, but what the hell was that guy thinking?!


I consider it the solemn duty of a home team fan to interfere (legally) with the oppositions attempt to catch a foul ball.

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