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July 10, 2006



No Schilling 200th victory? Outside of the Ortiz walkoff homer against California in game 3 of 2004, that might have been my favorite Fenway moment when I was actually in attendence (see: http://www.davecopeland.com/2006/05/that-was-fun-i-made-it-to-my-third-red.htm)


schilling's 200th is in top meta-moments, since it wasn't really one play per se, and my favorite part was the curtain call afterwards..


Unlike Remy, I do not have access to vast stores of film footage

Which is precisely why this is a great round-up - it's all in the words. Nice job, Beth.

Boston Fan in Michigan

//Eric Chavez of the Mets attempted to lay a bunt down for a base hit, //

Eric Chavez is Billy Beane's baby, not Omar Minaya's... :P

Of those photos I think the Beckett one is my favorite, 'cause of the light, which is glowing, and the pose, which is perfect in its tense delicacy.


For serious, The Cookie-Off will never, ever fail to make me lose my shit. Like, if I'm ever standing on the ledge of a tall building, just print out the screen cap of Trotter doing the Cookie Monster voice and I'll be all good.
The video is still on the cbs4 website, btw.


thanks for the correction, sam. have changed it accordingly. thanks also for the photo comments--you know i value your opinion.

iain, i appreciate the praise as always! :-)

marianne, i love that that video is still up. i wonder how many hits they get on their site still from just that one clip.

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