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June 12, 2006



It is very strange to me how lucky I have been in my timing with the Red Sox. They beat Oakland with panache in 2003, and I'm on their side for that postseason. They lose to New York, and I'm theirs forever. They proceed to win it all the next year, with me watching feverously. I am happy for them, for myself, and for the fans, but will always wish I had joined the cause a year or two earlier because fans from before will probably always question my authenticity. I never will because I knew, KNEW, from when Pedro gave up those particular runs in October, 2003 that I was a Red Sox fan forever. It almost makes me want to see a losing season from them, so that I and everyone can know that I'll still watch the team when it struggles.

I attended my first two ever Fenway games this past weekend. The first was Saturday night (Rangers 7-4). The second was the Papi walk-off, and I had good seats to watch it happen. There have been seven walk-off homers by Mr. Ortiz for the Red Sox, and I walked in for the seventh one (and a come-from-behind one at that!). What extraordinary luck I do have. (The s.o. bought the tickets, though, eager to take me to my first Fenway game...a happy little circumstance that makes both my relationship and my Red Sox fandom shine a little brighter.)

I'm glad that awful pair of human beings didn't get that ball. Good on your dad for telling her where she could get off, even if she didn't take his advice.

PS Did you see my response to the Hazel/Stern question? In a nutshell, I think it's that his line reading is so stiff and awful that it makes both of them crack up. But even if that's right, it seems an odd choice to put into the commercial.


you and i are pretty much in the same boat with the timing, so if we're fake, we're fake together. i'm happy for you that you got to have one of your first fenway experiences at that game on sunday. i know of an 8-year-old, also, whose first game ever was that game, and i can only imagine how bad his red sox fever will be from now on. someday i'll get to a game like that too. i hope...!

thanks for sharing that story here. :-)


A day at Fenway is never wasted. There are always new joys to discover.


That is a cool pic


"LADY, SIT DOWN!" my dad hollered.

Good call! I can almost hear him saying it...


The pitcher wound, delivered, and I swear in that second between pitcher and bat you could feel that the ball was going out of the park.

Y'know, I was at work with no access to TV or Radio feed and was watching the pitch by pitch on MLB.com...and I could feel that homer coming, too. I swear it.

The homer popped up on the screen and I threw my arms in the air. It was fantastic.

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