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May 31, 2006



The kid did good under the circumstances. Let's see how his future unfolds. I hope it's positive.


This is what I get for writing the game off in advance as a trainwreck waiting to happen. But I guess it just serves to underline of the essential beauties of baseball: you just never know.
Great post, Beth - I got goosebumps reading it. Now I have to see this game for myself.

The Couch Potato

What a great post! They did play with more 'oomph' last night. Pauley showed some encouraging signs as far as his big-league career is concerned, not the least of which was the way he battled through the first few innings. How 'bout that double play he started? :-)

Peter Mark

Great post. And you know what? It is games like this that I am always optimistic in the minutes before the first pitch. Faith rewarded. Beth, you put it perfectly.


The MFYs have not yet swept the Tigers ... let's hope that they don't!


Excellent writing. Even the pseudo-Bob Uecker/Major League quote from Remy.


One of great things about baseball is that it inspires great writing. This is great writing.


Oh man...I wanted that kid to get a W so badly...but, the support that the team rallied behind him was amazing. Loved every second of it.

David Welch

The W is overrated. I think that the kid was better served NOT getting the W. It was an experience where he was able to learn the value of teamsmanship. (a word?)


There's one more Tigers/Yankees game tonight, Beth, and it's going to be on ESPN, in case you're interested. Keep an eye out for our rookie starter, Justin Verlander - this kid is the reason why Papelbon has any serious competition for Rookie of the Year. I expect the Red Sox are secretly relieved to be missing him this weekend.


I concur, excellent post. You really capture the beauty of it all.


I'm not pretty sure if I've commented before but, I had to post here and tell you what a great post you made. It's so true and seriously, it warmed my heart to see them battle like that, making sure that the little guy didn't lose. Some of the stuff you wrote about reminded me of this article from Tom Boswell he wrote a couple weeks ago in the Washington Post about the Red Sox.


He suggested using "The Comrades" as a nickname but that sounds pretty lame to me. If I could come up with a better term not being "Band of Brothers"(which isn't that bad of an idea but still) I'd do it.

It's really amazing to see how just some simple callup can turn an entire team into a collective protective older brother.

Peter Mark

Thanks Andrew.

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