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April 16, 2006



wow what an idiot


maybe she'll change names again... apparently ian is the equivalent to michele... but i do not know her. i sway


dude. wow. just... wow. that's a special kind of stupid.


You don't know me, but I love you and wish to become Red Sox buddies with you.


chris, you pick a hell of a time and a hell of a post to make that comment.


Dude, for reals. Consider my panties knotted for you. What a dumb whore.

Amy w/ Nuts

Chris is a friend of mine. He was extremely impressed that you went through her site and attributed all the proper people.


That's un-fawking-believable. Apparently she doesn't realize that teh interwebs are read by more people than just her friends.


amy and chris, my bad. i was pretty jumpy yesterday. :-(


I suggest she have for her background music..'Can I Get a Witness'..


All I can say is thats some f-d up shite...


Utterly horrifying, how blatant she was about stealing your stuff! WHY bother to have a blog if you have no unique content of your own? Glad to see it now says "site has been taken down by its owner"!

Jonathan Bailey

First off, I'm very glad that the matter was resolved. However, I think I can answer a riddle for you: The plagiarist definitely took the site down herself.

The reason I say that is my own experience with Xanga. You can read about it on my site here: http://www.plagiarismtoday.com/?p=201

Long story short, Xanga doesn't remove content that violates copyright. Ever. According to some news reports, they can barely be motivated anything.

You were very lucky your plagiarist decided to pack it up. Otherwise, it could have been a long, sad fight.

Anyway, glad it worked out for you!

David Welch

Hey, if anyone ever needs to know, and if I drop dead tomorrow and can't ever fulfill my promise to go all Jack Bauer on this bitch for Beth if she ever asks, her name is Kayla Jean Edmonds of Auburn, ME. The sweet part is that she's only 30 minutes from me!

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