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November 08, 2005



i hate peyton manning, i hate his inbred, deliverance-extra-looking little brother, i hate his hillbilly daddy, i hate tony dungee, i hate edgerin james, i hate the city of indianapolis and how all the streets are named after states and how it's fucking land-locked, and i hate the entire state of indiana which was always in my way when trying to drive to st. louis.

Boston Fan in Michigan

The funniest bit is, you know that as soon as he got home, he did just this very thing.


i hate fucken peyton

Andrew and the Blue Machine

I hate peyton manning and his many commercials. He should fucking die and all the people who like him should too. The Colts are going to lose against the patriots by a field goal and Gostkowski is going to kick it. I love adam vaniteri as a patriot but not as a colt. ADAM you suck

Jon C

Peyton Manning always played with the composure of Michael J. Fox holding a tray of wine glasses.


I hope Peyton Manning's spleen exploded before the Super Bowl. I hope Urlacher smashes him so hard into the ground that he lays on the ground calling for his daddy. I hate that booger eating goober and his silver spoon family..I hate his crying on the field and his crooked nose..I hate his skinny little ass and his stupid moronic money grubbing commercials......by the way, your rep as being a big game choke stands until you wear a ring.....GO BEARS




ok. enough. as i wrote in the comments on http://confessionalpoet.typepad.com/cursed_to_first/2005/11/post.html>this post, if colts fans want to talk shit, they can do it on a current post where everyone else will see it. come comment on one of my current posts about this year's games, or save it for somebody who wants to hear it.

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