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September 08, 2005



I'm looking forward to the upcoming Pats season. Not watching it, mind you. Just you writing about it.


uh, thanks, i suppose. although i still vow to convert you.


Red, you're not a Pats fan? The hell? What is wrong with you? I mean, besides the obvious.


Hey Red, it's the beginning of the season, now's the time to jump on the Pats bandwagon! It's ok that you didn't have to endure the 'painful' years... You're missing out on all the fun!


and seriously, dude, you think baseball chicks are hot...football chicks are hot, lower maintenance AND have a higher alcohol tolerance!


Man, every time I see someone wearing a #54 jersey...I get this little pang in my heart. I actually cried when I heard about his stroke. It's just so hard to really imagine the Pats without Bruschi...

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